Monday, January 18, 2010

unexciting summary

Took my biggest travel mug full of hot tea with sugar and milk (195) to work; it helped with the throat and whatnot.  

Lunch was a chicken pot pie (370) because I was in a hurry and in no mood to think (note to self:  I always feel the need to justify the pot pie...consider stopping with the pot pies already.) Nice glass of skim milk with it (95). 

Afternoon snack (other than tons of water) was half a power bar (105).

Supper was a big steak, broiled (275), garlic bread (150), mashed potatoes (80) with brown gravy (44), green beans (10) and a glass of skim milk (90).  Made special dinner because my son is waiting to see if he's being sent to Haiti for earthquake cleanup.  It makes a mom want to be sweet, you know?

Calorie total for the day, then, is 1869.

I did not work out today because I'm still feeling pretty puny.  Letting the body heal.

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