Tuesday, September 6, 2011

skinny milk alternatives

Yesterday was a turn for the better...back toward choices that love my body.  Enjoyed a nice 4 mile walk in the sunshine and feasted on veggies (my favorite squash dish, along with a big pile of steamed broccoli).  

I am trying out alternatives to milk.  I LOVE skim milk and would drink a glass of it at every meal.  And I'm not ready to give it up completely.  But my mom counts her sugars after having a near miss with diabetes, and I've learned from her that milk is a place where sugar can be cut.  She drinks soy milk, which doesn't appeal to me, but I'm willing to start checking it out.  

Meanwhile, my son persuaded me to get coconut milk and give it a try.  My vegan-ish friends at JPUSA were all about the non-dairy milks, and had already chipped away at my resistance for some time.  It has only 7 grams of sugars in one cup, whereas skim milk has 11 or 12.  

First, I tried it on my granola.  It's not bad for that purpose.  I mean...not amazing...but not bad.  This morning I made myself try a small glass of it (1/3 cup, maybe) with my peanut butter toast.  Let me say this about that:  I remember switching from 2% to skim...it was hard.  Skim seemed like milk with water added.  I thought I'd never learn to love it!  But now I do.  

Coconut milk makes skim seem rich and thick.  Sooo...there is definitely some adjusting for my palate to do, if I'm gonna make such a change.  But past experience has taught me that if I'll hang in, I can do it.

Perhaps I'll hang in.  Meanwhile, I think I'll give soy another try and maybe check at rice milk as well.  Hmmm. 

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