Monday, November 7, 2011

a ray of hope, and back to running

The good news is that after hearing in my study and prayer late last week that this exhaustion problem may have a spiritual root, I'm experiencing marked improvement.  That improvement started directly AFTER I stopped resisting the idea that it might be a spiritual problem.  I took some steps of faith this weekend toward that end; I'm happy to say that I had a 100% NORMAL weekend, where my energy reserves are concerned.  I'm feeling cautiously optimistic.  I'm not really in the mood to spell it all out here on the blog, as experience has shown me that few things divide and irritate people as much as the subject of supernatural/spiritual healing of a physical issue.  So I'll say simply that I'm handling it with prayer, and watching and waiting to see what God does next.  End of story, for now.

This morning I made it out for my run, which was a huge relief after having taken another week off from running in an effort to combat that debilitating exhaustion.  It felt SO GOOD to be out there.  I am once again repeating the 3/7 intervals, which my body was happy to do this morning.  At this rate I am supposing next week I'll move on to the next harder intervals (will have to look them up to see what they are.)  

Feeling good on a Monday morning.  I hope you are too.

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