Monday, May 6, 2013

wound for sound on a monday morning

Okay I didn't run Wednesday or Friday last week because my son was visiting and there were showers to be timed and run wouldn't fit into that.  I missed the running, but it wasn't altogether a bad thing, since the arthritis in my feet (especially the left foot) has been especially bugging me lately.  

This morning I had one goal - bump my distance up.  I have been running about 2.78 miles for a long time.  In the last few weeks, I had added a bit more to do more like 2.9 miles.  My goal this morning was to get in an actual 5K, which would be 3.11 miles.  So I added a few little extra loops and turns and such to the run.  

And accidentally ran 3.37 miles.

And though my time per mile usually varies between 17 and 18 minutes (a time many would call WALKING but I promise you, I NEVER break stride into a walk, ever)....this morning, all segments of the run were under 17 minutes per mile!  You can check it out here, if you're into that kind of thing.

While you cannot even interest me in running competitively against another person (my presumption being they will beat me always, every time without fail, so whatevs), apparently I am quite competitive with MYSELF.  How do I know this?  My immediate response upon seeing those numbers this morning was to ask myself 2 questions:

1. How soon can I get my pace down under 16 minutes per mile?
2. How soon can I get my distance up to 5 miles each time?  

Here's a silly theory I have - wearing less clothes is making a difference in my pace.  Now, before you die or are permanently injured from envisioning Karen running in a bikini (oh!  my eyes!!) bear in mind all that I mean is this:  no ultra-cold weather running tights under my pants.  No long-sleeved under armour shirt under my long-sleeved shirt (which, note to self, has got to be switched for short sleeves if it's over 50 again on Wednesday when I next run).  No winter headband.  That's all.  These items are all very light, so it is, I presume, downright goofy of me to think that's how I got under 17 minutes for the entire duration of a 5K+.  

But that's just how I think, here in the morning before I can actually think. 

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