Monday, August 6, 2012

stepping light and compression pants

If you've been hanging around the naked blog awhile, you might recall that when I started running (May 2011) I was immediately discouraged by the heaviness of my footsteps.  I felt like a heffalump plodding down the path.  BOOM.  BOOM.  BOOM.  I speculated about whether it would ever get better.  I felt self-conscious next to the lightly bouncing nubile wonders that practically floated by me along the path.  OY.

This morning, only a mere more-than-a-year-later, I was tickled to notice...I'm finally stepping a lot lighter!  YAY!  

But why?

Is it the fact that I'm so much lighter?  I mean...I still haven't weighed since that doctor appointment last fall and have no intention of doing so any time in the foreseeable future (cuz it's still only about letting God teach me to love my body, NOT about the scale, the measuring tape, or even the shape of my butt), but if I had to guess, I'd say I'm 80 pounds lighter than when I started all of this some 20 months ago.  So is it just less pounds of me to pound the pavement?

Is it that practice makes perfect and I've stayed the course?

I've been getting more and more in tune with my body - is it that?

Is it the incredible joy in me right now?  You don't even KNOW how many reasons I have to be smiling and bouncing lately...

Maybe all of those things, at least in part.  I don't know.  But I DO think that...believe it or new pants helped.  You might recall that an anonymous friend decided she wanted to bless me with new running clothes for the Bix; the pants I chose are compression capris.  I didn't do that ON PURPOSE - it was just what the store was selling, and I was so happy not to feel like an overstuffed sausage in them that I bought 'em.  When I got home today, I was so blown away by how much lighter my step had been all run that I googled "benefits of compression pants."  Ummm.  They might have helped!  Go figure!  

So here's a big thanks and major props to my friend who blessed me...I know she reads...girl, you affected more than just my Bix!  THANK YOU!



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