I've been retaining water for years. When I learned how to use the emergency defibrulator machine at the Y where I used to work, our instructor talked us through enough heart stuff that I understand water retention is Not a Good Sign. My feet...they've looked like they belonged on the Michelin Man or maybe that Sta-Puff guy for a very long time. If you still have "sock marks" on your legs half an hour after you take your socks off....you probably have a water retention issue.
Part of that comes from dehydration, believe it or not. A lot of it comes from high sodium. Also lack of exercise comes into play, and excess weight does not help the equation. I'm sure there's more to it, but that's my short summary while running late for work.
In the last week, the bones and veins have reappeared in my feet! That's been such a rare thing that I've practically thrown a party when it's happened for just a few hours...and it's been DAYS now.
I'm guessing the reason is partly that I'm staying consistently hydrated (and as I write that, I realize I didn't yesterday), but mostly because as I eat so much less in general and so much less absolutely decadent stuff, my sodium level is probably coming down. I still have a long way to go on that because I know for sure I'm over the limits...but progress is a good thing to note on a Monday morning, is it not?
In other news, I was a Very Good Girl at Harris Pizza last night. We got the pizza with everything in the house on it, loaded down thicker than anywhere else I've ever seen. They cut the pieces into strips rather than triangles; I think what I ate was probably the equivalent of 1.5 pieces of regular take-out pizza. With that and the half an apple I had before I left, I am guestimating my total yesterday for right at or around my 1876.
Breakfast today: old-fashioned oatmeal (150), 3 tbsp sugar (135), 1/4 cup skim milk (25).
Got in WAY past my bedtime last night, so I'm feeling all of my 43 years. But Revive, Brandon Heath, and Third Day - THEY WERE TOTALLY WORTH IT.
And off we go!
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