Thursday, February 26, 2009

Evening 4: Warning: Don't read this if you need to see me as "that nice Karen."

Left work at 4 pm, eating my ounce of salted peanuts (170 calories) like a man crawling in the desert drinks his first tall cold one. I had several errands to run, including picking up my cell phone, which has been in the shop. Fought heavy traffic, heavy rain, low visibility, and a lot of aggression wanting to surface for whatever reason. Fifteen minutes to U.S. Cellular...which was mysteriously...dark. I walked to the door, trying to figure out what was's supposed to be open until 8. And there, taped beside the "hours" sign, is a notice that the store closed at 3, just for today, for a conference. It will reopen tomorrow at 8.

Stupid effing U.S. Cellular! I hate you forever and a day. I stand clutching the plastic bag that holds my loaner phone. Argh. Just behind the glass somewhere is my beloved cell phone, which is not at all like this penny wonder with which I've been getting by. I groan, grumble, shake my head and stomp back to my car, the rain soaking my head.

**sheepish eye roll heavenward**
**sorry, Lord...I am truly grateful that U.S. Cellular gives loaner phones. I am genuinely thankful that I've not been without a phone all this time...**

I get in my car, look in the rearview mirror, and all I want to do is floor the accelerator and smash into the employee car behind me, which will smash into the glass front of the store. Gosh, I definitely have some aggression issues today!!

Driving away, I wreak vengeance on another ounce of salted nuts, smashing them viciously with my teeth as I drive in entirely too much traffic (170 totally gratuitous calories), washing them down with a bottle of water.

Next stop: the video store, to return some movies and get some more. Blockbuster has impulse shopping down to a science. Happily, my debit card is at home and I'm cashless. If it weren't I'd buy: a giant pickle, a bag of fritos, an ice cream treat, and some nice diet dr. pepper to wash it all down.

Oh yeah.

Saved from myself by a little plastic card.

It's a long, rainy, foggy drive and by the time I get home I am huuuuungry. Supper: portabella mushroom ravioli (625 calories), 1/2 cup spaghetti sauce (110 calories), bread (220 calories), olive oil (119 calories), parmesan cheese (22 calories).

Total for the day: 2616

Guess I'll skip that pint of chocolate milk I'm craving.

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