We got a nice bike ride in today. It was a beautiful day and I was tickled to be out in it.
We are still in the process of adjusting to my husband Gary's schedule at his new job. Since I have to drive him at 5:30, we can't get up to run at 5. We have taken a couple of weeks to adjust our schedule, getting up around 4 so we can do breakfast and devotionals and prayer before it's time for him to go. I think we're pretty well adjusted to that.
Now this week, we'll need to push it back to earlier. Not running is really not an option for me. I can feel the difference in my body when I don't run, and I don't like it. It looks like we'll be getting up around 3 in order to accommodate a run 3 mornings a week. I don't see another way, since I just don't realistically see myself running at the end of a work day.
I realized last night while pondering all of this that I need to make another adjustment as well. We go to bed at 8, to make the early mornings work out. Eating supper after work means there is very little time between supper and sleep. I've been eating too much, I realized, for that close to bedtime. I need to cut my intake down by probably three quarters, or this belly is just going to keep growing. It has definitely been growing steadily with all the reduction in exercise, combined with all that eating like I'm on some kind of holiday, and that is not going well with me.
So! Here's to taking responsibility and making necessary changes.
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