I am continuing to have fun pushing myself on the morning runs - just seeing how fast I can make myself go. While it's fun to move faster, I'm always acutely aware that my "fast" is everybody else's "yeah, right." Put it this way: the first time I watched the movie Jumanji, my favorite thing from it was the fat rhinoceros running at the back of the trampling herd - I totally related. Everyone else runs like a leaping gazelle, and then I huff by 10 minutes later, making the earth shake with my footfalls. I'm slow, people. It's a fact. While it bothers me less and less over time, it still just is what it is. I am slow.
BUT this morning I got a measure of my improvement on that: near the far end of the bridge, I met a couple of ladies out walking for exercise. After we met, I still ran something like maybe 200 feet in the opposite direction. Then had to turn around and go UPhill, and this on a morning when the air weighed like a million pounds or something. You cannot imagine how fun it was for me, later about 3/4 of the way back across the bridge, that I CAUGHT UP WITH AND PASSED those same ladies! WOO HOO! It has NEVER been true of me that I'm a danger of catching up with ANYBODY...even walkers.
I ran even faster after passing them, just on the sheer adrenaline and thrill of it.
Who knew running was gonna be this great?!
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