I haven't dropped off of planet earth – I moved this past
weekend, and the Mediacom guy didn't make it to my house for the internet
installation appointment. We're going to
try again Saturday; meanwhile I'm enjoying a very “light” internet presence,
wherein I type out my grats and blogs on my internet-less laptop, save them to
a flash drive, and then work posting them into my before- or after-work
schedule or perhaps my lunch breaks.
Ahhh patience.
Monday was my first run in the new neighborhood. I live in downtown Davenport, Iowa, just a
few blocks from the Mississippi River.
My neighborhood, like many downtown areas, is a mixture of awesomeness
and poverty. This has challenged me a
bit, considering where I might run.
Can't use the bike path at 5 AM, cuz it's pitch black on the unlit path,
and I know that the few times I tried biking the path before sunrise on the
other side of the river, I disturbed homeless people who were waking up and
starting their days. So, no bike path
before dawn. I'm told there is no
shortage of crack houses fairly close to here, which means a certain population
is likely just winding down to the end of their nightly activities as I'm out
there. So between the danger of getting
mugged and the possibility of impaired drivers, I'm not fond of the idea of
jogging down the streets at that hour. And then
there's that vicious, giant hill that I WILL be interacting with in some manner
regularly for fitness' sake, but probably not at 5 AM.
Happily, I have come up with the perfect solution, which I
tried on Monday: I jog over to the
Centennial bridge (2 blocks down the hill and then something like 4 blocks
over) and then...cross it! I haven't
measured, but my guess is this distance should be almost perfectly the 2.5
miles I'm used to running. The bridge is
brightly lit and nothing about it is inviting for people to hang out and make
trouble on it. And hey...I get to see
the pre-dawn light on the water, and when I get to the other side and turn
around, there is the coolness of downtown Davenport, all lit up and pretty as I
head back toward it. Good stuff!
Monday was a challenge, as the whole world was a sheet of
thin ice. The sidewalks and roads on the
way to the bridge were very slick. I went
extremely slowly and with great caution – not really into falling, and my feet were slipping and sliding the whole way. The bridge was NOT icy...it was just snowy. Had somewhere between a quarter and half an
inch of snow – not so much that I COULDN'T jog, but enough that it was a bit of
an impedance. So I was going slowly
there, too, between the snow and learning to watch for the spots the bridge is
joined together and there are these inch-wide spaces between that look perfect
for tripping me when I'm oblivious. So I
didn't make it all the way across the bridge this time, but I think when I'm
not negotiating with ice and snow, it should be a breeze (or at least highly possible).
This weekend taught me the great reward that fitness is, within
itself. Saturday I had a moving truck scheduled for 8 AM to 4 PM
and the time to take care of business.
My originally planned help fell through, and the awesome guys who
stepped in to fill that void had a morning commitment, so they couldn't start
at 8 with me. I had worked Friday from
12:30 to about 11 PM on preliminary moving stuff (hauling my clothing and food
to the new place in my car, putting it all away, and finishing packing
last-minute stuff at the old place) and had gone to bed Friday night feeling
like I'd been beaten with a baseball bat.
But Saturday morning I was up and excited, ready to just DO
this thing. So I dug right into loading
the truck, figuring I'd do what I could while I waited for the guys. Bit by bit it went, until I was down to the
last 3 things that had to go in: a
couch, a mattress, and a box spring. By
this point, I was like don't let them come!
I want to prove I can do this!
And...they didn't. And...I did!
So when they came almost an hour later, all there was to do was disassemble the
bed frame (as I had packed my tools too soon) and then get everything over to
the new place. It took me 3 hours to
load the truck. It took 3 of us about 2
hours to unload it.
Do you see why I danced and sang and celebrated and have
shamelessly bragged, since then?
I love physical fitness.
I love it that even at still at least 75 pounds overweight, I am fit
enough to load an entire U-haul truck BY MYSELF, and still have the energy to
help with unloading it, and then still have the energy to unpack and put stuff
away afterward until bedtime. If my body
can do ALL THAT, I am sure having fun imagining what it will be able to manage
when more of that weight comes off.
Think of it!
That is AWESOME!! Way to Go! And I hope you find more of these surprises along the way.