Monday, January 23, 2012

january heat wave, and kindness as a battle tool

Apparently we're having some kind of bizarre heat wave this morning.  I got up at 4:25 for my run, since I had some extra stuff to do before work.  When I hit the weather on my iphone, it came up:  43 degrees.  I was pretty sure I had pulled the wrong location or my phone had broken or something.  But further checking showed it really WAS that warm.  Holy cow. 

I had already forgotten how much easier it is to run when it's warmer like that - fighting the cold, the snow, and the ice really IS a lot more work, slows me down and wears me out.  I ran faster today than I have in a little while.  My usual clothes were way too much.  I was unzipping my pullover shirt by the time I got to the top of the hill (not even running yet) and I was so overheated that I took off my headband for the final 5 minutes of the run.  If I hadn't had my little reflective vest on over it, I probably would have stripped out of the pullover and just run in my Underarmor shirt.  What a strange (and good) problem to have in January. 

Had a reminder this morning of the unfortunate and unkind ways people entertain themselves sometimes by pointing out others' physical imperfections.  I wanted to think it was just the result of people behaving badly because they are on FB (and we DO forget who we are there sometimes, eh?)  but really the thing I was noticing this morning is the same thing I can remember since way back in my early childhood.  Cracking wise about others' differences - it's one of those parts of the human condition that suck rocks. 

So this morning I am intentionally focusing my gratitude on the folks who know better, who can find ways to laugh without an expense to others, whose preset behavior is preserving the dignity of others, even in the small ways (and seeking to BE one of those).  Seems like a good place to intentionally start a week.

May kindness surround you, flow into you and out through you, and bash to smithereens the other stuff. 

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