Thursday, March 3, 2011

saved by the big fat mouth

Tonight I made plans to go to my workout at 6:30.

Then I worked my side job until after 6.  Standing at the elevator a few minutes later with my plate of cold supper in my hand and my feet aching, I was ready to skip the workout.  I opened my big fat mouth and said so to a lady sitting there in the lobby.  I'm tired, there's not time to eat, change, and get down here in 15 minutes to start on time.  

Her answer was simple:  You can go late.  

Umm.  Yeah.  That's what my coworker did last night while I sat on my bed gleefully eating a chocolate chip cookie, telling myself I was "too late" anyway. 

I'm awfully glad I opened my big fat mouth.  And that the lady in the lobby opened hers.  And that my coworker mentioned how last night went.  I made it to the workout, only a couple of minutes late.

It wasn't my most graceful workout.  

But I did it.

Today, though just by the skin of my teeth, I chose love.

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