Wednesday, September 1, 2010

battles about nothing and moving right along

Yesterday was another lunch meeting at work.  I was a bit worried about it, because I was having a very hungry day and we know how well I managed temptation the day before.  Emailed a friend to pray, and I also was praying as a steady backdrop to my morning.

Lunch was good choices and right portions.  But my dread was...dun dun duh....dessert!  Someone at the table speculated that it might be cheese cake.  Let me tell you, a battle happened within me between Karen Who Wants to Stick to the Plan and Karen Who Wants Whatever Is in Front of Her.  I prayed, prayed, prayed.  And came to a place of peace - I could turn down the cheesecake.  It wouldn't be easy, but I felt the resolve happen in me and it was good.

After all that drama...there was no dessert offered.


Pondering the blues of the day before yesterday - causes, effects, etc.  

No answers there.

Here's to Wednesday!

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